Siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir. ¡ Echa un vistazo a un futuro no muy lejano... ! :)
Una vida de cristal para vivir el futuro...
Posted in
Profesora Celia,
Publicado por
on miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013
Siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir. ¡ Echa un vistazo a un futuro no muy lejano... ! :)
Un día en el Mall...
Recuerdo un día soleado en el que decidimos ir con mis amigas Dwan y Natty a pasear por el Mall.
Recorrimos tienda por tienda buscando un regalo para mi mamá pues era su cumpleaños. Afortunadamente mis amigas me ayudaron a escoger el regalo perfecto para ella.
Una vez listas,decidimos ir a comer algo al "Doggis" , un lugar de comida rápida. Natty pidió el "combo", un tipo de comidas mixtas donde incluye palta, tomate, nugget, papas fritas y esperamos que nuestro pedido llegara.
Mientras tanto , habían dos señoras que esperaban por la misma comida que nosotras.Cuando llegó el pedido, la bandeja se encontraba frente a mí y como tenía tanta hambre, no pude aguantar y quise sacar una papa frita al plato de mi amiga. En el momento en que lo iba a hacer, mi amiga Natty me dijo que esa bandeja no era nuestra, más bien pertenecía a las dos señoras que se encontraban allí.
Me avergoncé demasiado y nos reímos bastante. Lo mejor de todo es que las señoras no se dieron cuenta. Por eso hay que tener paciencia en algunas situaciones y preguntar antes de hacer algo.
"Grafeno: El material que cambiará el mundo de la electrónica y medicina”
El Grafeno, es un componente material de abundantes propiedades y que por ello se ha hablado bastante como un posible elemento que cambiaría el mundo de la electrónica y medicina. La tecnología, que diariamente la utilizamos como en los procesadores y por sobre todo en los celulares, es uno de los soportes más reconocibles de este productor y mediante el uso de aquella se van modificando día tras día, superando las expectativas de todos sus clientes. Muchas personas esperan con ansias el poder de este material y los fabulosos inventos que podría traer el cual ocasionara una gran conmoción en el mundo.
En primer lugar ¿Qué vendría siendo el Grafeno? Es una sustancia pura organizada por un teselado hexagonal plano (como un panal de abeja) constituido por átomos de carbono y enlaces covalentes que se forman a partir de la superposición de los híbridos sp(2) de los carbonos enlazados. Fue descubierto en la década de 1930, pero cerca del año 1889 ya se mencionaba la posibilidad de formar filamentos de carbono por la descomposición térmica de hidrocarburos gaseosos. (Fuente: Aunque el real descubrimiento que salto a la luz se produjo en 2004 cuando Andre Geim y Konstantin Novoselov aislaron las primeras muestras de Grafeno a partir de grafito mediante un proceso de exfoliación mecánica recibiendo posteriormente el Premio Nobel de Física en el 2010”. (Fuente:
La apariencia de este componente es extraordinariamente increíble: frágil, ligero además un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Columbia han demostrado que este material, derivado obviamente del grafito, tiene una alta resistencia (mucho más duro que el diamante) y transparencia. Inclusive es un muy buen conductor de electricidad que revolucionaría la industria electrónica. (Fuente:
En segundo lugar, la existencia del Grafeno se refleja esencialmente en lo que este componente ha podido ofrecer en la electrónica, medicina, entre otras áreas. Entre uno de los primordiales usos de el se manifiesta en la tecnología móvil, Por ejemplo: la compañía Samsung, ya ha presentado pantallas flexibles en prototipos de celulares despegables y táctiles. En la electrónica, por ejemplo, los Científicos de la Universidad de California han investigado la aplicación del Grafeno en un gran condensador, lo cual haría que una batería se cargará en menos de un minuto y con la máxima duración de tan solo un día ya que generalmente un condensador se carga rápido, pero tiene una capacidad limitada, por lo que en este punto entraría en juego el Grafeno. (Fuente: Javier Pérez Rey (2013)
Por su parte en la medicina, el Grafeno podría utilizarse en el desarrollo de implantes superficiales para tejidos neuronales, debido a su alta estabilidad. Los resultados de este tipo de trabajo por el equipo de la Universidad Técnica de Múnich, que realizó pruebas en células ganglionares de la retina, serían una clara muestra de que el Grafeno también puede ser usado en medicina con un alto porcentaje de éxito. Aparte de ello, tiene una propiedad “anti - bacteriana “donde científicos chinos crearon una hoja de papel que impide las infecciones de éstas, que generalmente se encuentran en los baños sanitarios como también en los recubrimientos de vendajes, facilitando así la cura de heridas. (Fuente: Blog: Ángela Bernardo (2013) “Usos sorprendentes del grafeno”. Después de algunos en años, encontraríamos en diferentes mercados productos nunca antes imaginados y creados con esta herramienta, que de algún modo nos llevaría hacia el futuro.
Finalmente es factible que el Grafeno presenta una larga lista de usos espectaculares, de los que nos beneficiaríamos en un futuro. No solo en la tecnología, medicina o las principales áreas que se enfoca sino que probablemente en otras áreas inesperadas que nunca nos podríamos haber imaginado.
Kinds of Paragraphs: Winter
Using Examples (Argumentative):
Winter is the best season of the year because you
can enjoying the snow, wind, and cloudy days or do some special activities for
example; going with your boyfriend, girlfriend or your family to a snow
mountain and enjoy the wonderful scenery as well as skiing, taking pictures,
etc and having a good company with them. In school , children enjoy the rain
and take as an example to explain what is this beautiful season also make many
jobs where stuck on the walls for people to appreciate them. Near the end that
is September you can enjoy many festivals, one in Chile is the first governing
where most people do barbecues, travel to other parts of the world, typical
games where all have a great time with family.
Sensory Details (Descriptive):
Winter is the coldest season of the year and in my
opinion one of the most beautiful of them because as for being the coldest you
can share with the family and with someone special. Temperatures are fairly low
and the rain that appears in some parts of the country in the form of flakes,
which are beautiful. Maybe is a very off season and you cannot do much , just
stay at home but the beautiful scenery of the rain , snow that you can touch it
and especially for the children that can play with it or even feel it , who can
be found in some parts of the world is unforgettable and wonderful. The trees
that are bathed in white and the cloudy days make the day gray but really is
not like that because for the most of people it’s too boring for to me cause a
feeling of tranquility, reflection and harmony.
An Incident (Narrative):
Winter holidays approached, the days were cold,
cloudy and sometimes rainy. My family decided to make a trip to visit my
grandparents for we hadn't seen them for a while . We started the journey to the
city of Concepción, would be two really wonderful weeks enjoying nature and the
beautiful places in the city. We were greeted by my grandparents with many
delicious things to eat; it had been a long journey. One day, we went to the
skating rink with my cousins. I had never done it before. Most of the time I
was on the floor, after many falls I felt that I had mastered skating, but it
wasn’t like that… When I achieve my feet and take a few small steps, I tripped
over a bag that was on the floor. Was the greatest shame that happened because
it was not only the fall, I had slid across the track even throwing other
people. My arms and legs were purple even my nose bleed but nevertheless I can
say it was a memorable family vacation.
Reflection: Well, in this type of paragraphs, I can say that it wasn't very difficult.
In the first paragraph about "Using Examples", I made some errors of commas and a little confusion with the infinitive verb and I forgot the conclusion.
In the second paragraph about "Sensory Details", the only mistake that i made it was forgetting to put the verb "to be" in one sentence of paragraph.
And finally the last paragraph about "An Incident", i forgot to put the past perfect in a sentence of the paragraph.
After I have done this work I realized that I improve in some key points that I've been trying for months. As the use of commas, correct punctuation and especially the FANBOYS used properly. Thanks to this , I could understand the proper way to use each subject that Professor Chamorro taught us in class in detail.
Narration : Pingu's Christmas
In a beautifull snowdays there was a lovely penguin family that were preparing for Christmas Night. The mother cooked some cookies for his family and the children were so hungry that the only thing that they wanted was eating the delicious cookies that their mother was preparing. When the mother penguin had finished her preparation the children were so anxious for eating but the cookies were so hot and they couldn't eat it. Later the penguin father arrived at the house and the kids were excited to see that he was holding a present but the father was so hungry too that he also wanted to eat the delicious cookies that his wife prepared but she did it not let him.
Then the father and the kids went to look a Christmas tree. When they had it, they began to decorate the tree and the mother who was carrying the presents , fell to the ground and his husband didn't help her, so they started to fight. The kids were sad and the parents fixed their problem and continued finishing their Christmas arrangement but it was then that the mother invites the kids to enter the house so they wouldn't see the Christmas gifts and she contains them surprisingly. They end their arrangements quietly, open the door of the house and the children run to see the beautiful decorated tree and everything ends in a good Night's Christmas.
People's Description:
Physical Description:
Tony Kakko is a vocalist of a band of power metal and he looks like a handsome real metalhead because he is slim , has a long face with small brown eyes and has a large nose. His lips are long and thin and he has a beard. Tony has shoulder length, wavy and dark brown hair. The singer usually changes his hair color and style. He has a white skin and his teeth reminds me the snow. When he smiles, wrinkles appears in the corner of his mouth.
Physhological Description:
Tony is a very outgoing and funny person obviously because he is a vocalist of a band and he needs to entertain his audience. When you see him in shows you can understand his feelings when sings and how the public pays close attention to what he sings. He is a good composer and a very emotional man ; when he writes songs also a very friendly singer; when the fans asked him for autographs or photos even though he is tired for the activities. Tony is a persistent person, very energetic and the important thing is that he always does his job seriously and loves it with passion.
Seven Tears Are Flowing To The River :
Siete Lágrimas fluyen por el río
Y seis de ellas son mías
Y saboreé la extraña savia,
Mezclándose con la mía
Para construir en ella la fuerza que le di a tantos
Y es raro que estaba en mi boca,
y me sumergí en un mar profundo
Y ahí duele esta vieja herida
Con su risa babeante entre todas estas adversidades
Pero entonces la marea encerró su cuerpo
Después de haber perdido lágrimas, seis en número.
Las aguas se convirtieron en su ataúd.
Una séptima vino al frente… de agonía.
Y cuando el río había guiado la lágrima,
Hacia el mar infinito,
El amor fue al fin concedido a él
Pero probablemente nunca lo conozca.
Y el tiempo podía ahora fluir con marchitaciones,
Y el dolor no era más que un sueño todo el dolor
Que él la abrazara en sus brazos
Y el amor ha de rodear sus corazones…
Mapa Mental:
Origen y Descubrimiento:
Lluvía de Ideas :
Descubrimiento Impacto en el mundo
Inicios Funciones Tecnología
Hechos Beneficios
Mi lugar favorito
Mi pieza es el lugar favorito y adorado en el que me siento cómoda y tranquila cuando necesito estudiar o hacer otros deberes. Es mediana y cuadrada, sus paredes son de color amarillo pálido aunque estas varían, ya que de izquierda hacia el centro son de aquel color y también contrapone con el lado derecho que es de madera barnizada.
Las ventanas son cuadradas y anchas además se encuentran desplazadas en el lado izquierdo. En el fondo de la pieza se puede observar una variedad de Posters de bandas de rock y metal favoritas. Mi cama esta ubicada hacia la pared de al centro y donde en ella se encuentran cojines rojos.
En el lado izquierdo de esta , hay un velador con un despertador. En la pared barnizada se encuentran colgadas unas banderas de Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña muy bonitas asimismo un velador de tamaño más grande. Al lado de este , hay una cómoda con un televisor y finalmente unas carteras colgadas.
Mi pieza es el espacio ideal ya que tengo privacidad y puedo sentirme libre en ella , la que me entrega armonía y definitivamente prosperidad.
Retrato Físico:
Mi compañera Dwan tiene el cabello largo, oscuro y de color negro que torna a un aspecto pobre pero en algunas partes de su pelo tiene teñido con colores que asemejan la salida de un arcoíris después de un día nublado.
Su cara redonda como la luna refleja una cálida y pasiva armonía. La piel, trigueña y delicada como la miel. Las cejas son arqueadas, gruesas y negras que expresan una noche pacífica y encantadora. Sus ojos de forma almendrada y de color café oscuro demuestran seriedad al querer mirarla. La nariz respingada, corta y leve, refleja su tímida y tranquila personalidad.
Los labios grandes y gruesos, un poco secos con ciertos matices rojos, son como una puesta de sol en la playa. El mentón redondo, pequeño pero es como una montaña queriendo asomarse entre la nieve. En su frente las cosas esenciales: una cicatriz de forma imprecisa va destellando lo más particular de su cara la audacia, solemnidad y timidez.
Retrato Psicológico:
Dwan es una persona misteriosa y
callada. Cuando no está en confianza es como un bosque oscuro que no se sabe
qué puede haber más allá, pero si se llega a conocer bien a Dwan y darle
confianza, suele ser abierta de mente y carismática.
Es conservadora ya que se la pasa
en su casa y en su mundo en el que disfruta de lecturas y música. De vez en
cuando le gusta la compañía, aunque otras veces prefiere estar sola y
concentrada en sus asuntos. Es cariñosa y animada sin embargo su carácter
cambia volviéndose frío y silencioso.
Adora los gatos ya que son como
ella, inactivos y glotones. Ella es una persona de carácter fuerte y en otras situaciones difícil de comprender. Es perseverante también dispuesta a
alcanzar sus objetivos. Por último es una persona feliz, divertida y humilde
que solo le gusta disfrutar de cosas simples; como ver vídeos y sobretodo jugar
con sus adorados gatos.
I saw you die
In my arms you breath
You finally breath
And deep on wrong side
You close your eyes
Too far away deep in the night
I couldn't drone forever more
I always mad me again, again
So here's my words for day of lost
I want you go to a better place
You ever heard
Now I'm here all alone
And my heart's breath like solitude
I can't live, I can't die
Time of memories of my mind
You're other side
You wait for me, oh
Falling is your body
The memories in my mind
I can't live this life of solitude
Falling is your body
I believe this life behind
Every too much be inside of me, oh
I sick and tired
My life will never be the same
There's no more hope to confidence
I will take matters to my own hands
Because of you, I wish to die
Babe, believe me
This is no life
Today I close my eyes forever more
Forever more
Falling is your body
In the memories on my mind
I can't live this life of solitude
Falling is your body
You pick it in my mind
I had decided
I just die!
Together forever
We will sit side by side
Nothing will tear hearts apart
Together forever
I will love and never die
Nothing can divide us
No, no even death will part us...
In my arms you breath
You finally breath
And deep on wrong side
You close your eyes
Too far away deep in the night
I couldn't drone forever more
I always mad me again, again
So here's my words for day of lost
I want you go to a better place
You ever heard
Now I'm here all alone
And my heart's breath like solitude
I can't live, I can't die
Time of memories of my mind
You're other side
You wait for me, oh
Falling is your body
The memories in my mind
I can't live this life of solitude
Falling is your body
I believe this life behind
Every too much be inside of me, oh
I sick and tired
My life will never be the same
There's no more hope to confidence
I will take matters to my own hands
Because of you, I wish to die
Babe, believe me
This is no life
Today I close my eyes forever more
Forever more
Falling is your body
In the memories on my mind
I can't live this life of solitude
Falling is your body
You pick it in my mind
I had decided
I just die!
Together forever
We will sit side by side
Nothing will tear hearts apart
Together forever
I will love and never die
Nothing can divide us
No, no even death will part us...
House Description:
The family is composed by six people; parents,
grandparents, and two children.
They live in a big, detached; two storey houses
that is painted on the outside in grey color and the left wall has a ceramic
rock shape. In front of the house we can find small stairs that take you to the
front door, which is decorated with flowers and some trees and it is surrounded
by grass and it has a big garage on the right side.
On the first floor we have a beautiful entrance and
next to it we found a small bathroom and the sitting room to welcome guests,
next to it, we find a big dining room where the family enjoy having
breakfast, lunch and dinner. In front of the dining room we have the washing
room. Next to the washing room and the dining room we can find the kitchen and
the big living room. On the second floor we have a corridor that connects to six
rooms, on the right side we have two bedrooms, those are; the marital room,
where the grandparents sleep, and the big marital room that is connected with a
big bathroom where the parents sleep, and between them is the resting room. If
we walk on the same corridor in the middle we can see a small bathroom and on
the left we can find two more bedrooms; girl’s bedroom, and boy’s bedroom.
Next to the dining room we find the laundry. The walls
of the laundry have color creamy beige also and this room has two washing
machine, two white doors and has a brown furniture.
Though there is a small table with four chairs
between the two rooms. On the table are some orange flowers.
Coming now to the kitchen, we can observe that in
its big area stands a kitchen countertop that has a red plate with some
decorative balls on it, which are white and black.
Facing the kitchen frontally, we can divide it in
two sides. On the left side is the metallic shining fridge that consists of two
sections. Next to it are another two cupboards with a timer, some condiments
and other working tools on it.
On the right side are some more cupboards. The
dishwasher is nearly in the middle of them, facing a window. We can also see
some spices and bottles next to the dishwasher.
At the back of the kitchen we can find the
silver-looking cocker next to some cupboards, build of an oven and a gas-cook
top. Above it is a small microwave in the top shelves. At the left are two
containers, made of glass. In the left, back corner we can perceive a door.
Behind it is probably a larder, where you can store the alimony.
The whole kitchen is populated with many storing
shelves on the top.
Entirely the kitchen transmits an organized and
clean impression. The brown wood used for all the pieces of furniture
harmonizes perfectly with the silver, metallic appliances and the marble
boards. It is also very well illuminated by the small, round lights which are
attached into the ceiling and the three armed lamp above the little table.
Now, if we turn to the right we will see a small
tree next to a little wooden table with a portrait, a lamp and some books on
it. Continuing, we will found two big brown couches with some striped cushions
on them. They are separated by a piece of furniture with a lamp, a plant and
some candles on the top of it. In the wall behind one of them are two pictures
of flowers and a square mirror with golden edges. In the center of the living
room there is a coffee table with two big, black, nut shaped decorations.
In general, this room has a quiet and peaceful
atmosphere, ideal for doing relaxing activities like reading, watching TV, etc.
or for having a nice evening talking and sharing with your family and friends.
Getting out of the boy’s room, on the left, we can find the girl’s bedroom. This room has the characteristic of not having door and medium flats walls in orange with two large windows without curtains. Between of one of the windows we have a shelf in which a bag is hanging on there and for the other part a beautiful picture. Then we have a large bed with a colorful bedspread and two big pillows, between of the bed there are two small nightstands with a medium lamps and small photos. In front of the bed we have two more frames one of them it’s like a picture to put notes and next of that other small picture. You may notice a big white desk accompanied with a green chair and on the desktop there are copybooks with beautiful colors. In general this room looks very comfortable and when you enter can produce a good feeling.
This spacious room is located next to the resting room. Inside it, there is another smaller room with many hangers and brown pillows; here you can store clothes, sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. The walls are white and in one of them there is a window.
The marital room has brownish walls and a white
door, there is a big window and a smaller one, and on the main wall there are pictures next to the small window. In the
middle, it’s located the marital bed; on it there are a lot of pillows, it
seems to be a very comfortable bed. In the corner of the room, between the
windows, there is a plant and a night table with pictures and a night lamp on
it. On the other side of the bed there is another night table with some books
and a lamp. Next to the front door there is a wardrobe with many things on it.
The floor is carpeted and it’s look to be very comfortable. The furniture of
this room is made of wood and their colors are dark brown.
In general this room looks very spacious and very
Reflection : In this part of work , I have to admit that this was a kind of difficult work for me , because at the beginning of that I didn't understand what i had to do and it was hard a to work in a huge group around 7 people at the same time. But when we were working, everything became easier and we did a good job!.
Reflection : In this part of work , I have to admit that this was a kind of difficult work for me , because at the beginning of that I didn't understand what i had to do and it was hard a to work in a huge group around 7 people at the same time. But when we were working, everything became easier and we did a good job!.
About my mistakes , in the section that i had to do, I realized that I improved about commas, punctuation . The principal focus on me was that I used that the Professor Chamorro taught me about the FANBOYS and the others subjects that we saw in classes.
Night owl: Sweet Night
I’m a night
person. I don’t like the morning because it’s boring and lazy for me. I like
the night because everybody in my house go to bed early and I can take advantage
of that. I stay in my room and put some music while I play video games on the
computer, and I also talk with my friends too and I love it. Sometimes when I get
bored with the pc, I draw and then I go to bed late but before I look out of my
window to stare at moon… how beautiful it is!. Thinking about things and
tomorrow will be a good day like the others and finally I’m going to the bed to
Reflection: This was the first paragraph that we did and also I made a few simple mistakes, for example : Capital letters, the commas and i got confused with articles and the type of person that sometimes I forgot. Anyway I think that I did a normal job; not so good and not so bad .
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